Korean Movie Review: The Five (더 파이브)

Korean Movies


  • Release Date:
  •  Genre: Thriller
  • Cast: Kim Sun-ah, Ma Dong-seok, Shin Jung-keun, Lee Chung-ah, Jung In-gi



Kim Sun-ah! I love this woman so much!!! I Mean seriously, she has to be one of my favorite actresses. She didn’t disappoint me in this movie either.

I’ve been waiting for this movie since I first heard about it last year. I knew it was going to be a while because I live in a place where there isn’t one of those fancy movie theaters that offer screenings of new Asian movies (which kinda sucks). So I did what any normal international Korean drama/movie watcher does…I forgot.
Fast forward a year and 1 night, and I was floating on gooddrama.net looking for something new to watch. My eyes glossed over it and it took a second to register. My hands started shaking (in dead serious) as I clicked the link and checked some of the comments (making sure there wasn’t any missing audio or bad subs). I had to let my drama/movie watching partner in twitter know what was about to go down.

@NewKDramaAddict The Five is out on gooddrama!!!! There will be no sleep for me ^_^
— Young Ajummah (@Young_Ajummah) March 30, 2014

I quickly finished some work I was putting off and made plans with myself to make a pot of coffee and get down to business. Unfortunately, my body had other plans. Apparently sleep is needed every other week before your body takes over and MAKES you sleep *sigh*

I was up by 7, breakfast and coffee made, ready to go.

Let me pause my ramblings by saying this. I am a mother. We all know this. Lately watching things where children die, effects me in the negative sense. It’s gotten to the point to where I try to avoid shows/movies that have this. I don’t know… This movie has this type of thing, I knew it but I still watched it. So shame on me for knowing and watching anyway. Maybe that’s why I’m still grumpy.

Anyway… here is the official blurb about the movie via Hancinema:

Based on an original web-toon, a woman gives up her organs for guarantee and takes revenge on a serial killer who killed her family.
After losing her family in front of her eyes, Eun-ah plans the revenge to THE ONE who killed her family. She lures people who need organ transplant promising them to give her organs after taking her revenge.

The Five

Holy Smokes. I mean seriously…there is no happiness in this movie (maybe the first 5 mins). Kim Sun-ah played the crap out of Eun-ah and whoever was the “The One” did a bang up job as well. I wanted (still do a bit) assist in his capture. The cast was freaking fantastic and you will recognize all members of the five.

Kim Sun-ah plays Eun-ah
Ma Dong Suk plays Dae-ho
Shin Dong Geum plays Nam cheol
Jeong In-gi plays Cheol Min
Lee Cheong-ah plays Jeong-ha

Even the extended cast had some familiar faces.

Even though Eun- ah ended up being in a wheelchair, she held her own when fighting against “The One”. I made mention of her turning into a female McGuyver.  I didn’t tweet it though because i was so into the movie and it was kinda early in the morning. The few tweets I did make though were…interesting.

Don’t eat while watching #TheFive 0_o
— Young Ajummah (@Young_Ajummah) March 30, 2014

Even though this girl is dumb as all get out, at least she had the foresight to take her HIGH HEELED SHOES off b4 trying to run. #TheFive
— Young Ajummah (@Young_Ajummah) March 30, 2014

Gonna take me half a day to recover from #TheFive. I swear I’m always crying over these movies.
— Young Ajummah (@Young_Ajummah) March 30, 2014

*sigh* I’m still recovering. Hopefully in a few hours I’ll be well enough to watch The Accomplice which has been on my list to see for awhile.

Final thoughts: Eun-ah got what she wanted though I feel like it was justice.  The action was alright but I think the story, the plot, of the movie was better. Check out the trailer below and let me know what you think!

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