Learning Korean…Again

Learning Korean

I have had many bouts where I’ve tried to learn Korean on my own. Obviously I didn’t do so well. Though on a positive note, I learned how to read and write.  I was severally lacking in conversational and understanding Korean though. In 2011 I started my journey and now after all this time I have reached the point I’ve wanted to.  Enter the Hanaro Korean School.

Peninsula Hanaro Korean School

Peninsula Hanaro Korean School was established in August 2004 to teach Korean language, culture, history, and a variety of Korean tradition. School is primarily geared for Korean Americans but it is open to anyone who is interested in Korean culture in the peninsula area. It offers language classes and cultural events every Saturday morning at McMurran Hall, Christopher Newport University in Newport News.

Now I don’t live in the peninsula area but this is something I really wanted to do so I make the commute.  I’ve only been to 2 classes but I feel like I’ve learned so much! This past week I learned 같이 가 and 내 배가 아파요.

같이 가 – Let’s go together.

배가 아파요. – My stomach hurts/ I have a stomach ache.

The first phrase I knew from before but it didn’t really click until yesterday. The second phrase, I didn’t know at all. I did know 아파 from dramas but to actually make a sentence that I could use… *fist bump*

The teacher gave us a paper with body parts to translate and the assistant teacher gave me a cute song to help me remember everything.

Is it a little childish? Probably. But it doesn’t matter because it really helped me catch on and understand that day’s lesson. I was so happy and excited that I had my friends quiz me throughout the day. I didn’t get them all right but I know with practice, I will.

I’m going to loging what I’ve been learning weekly on here to keep myself accountable. Please let me know which ways you’ve been learning Korean and what have been the pros & cons. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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1 Comment

Reply Hazel February 16, 2015 at 02:53

It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying Korean classes so far! I’ve only recently starting self-studying Korean but I plan on taking classes soon. It’s nice to get a peek at what kinds of things they’re covering at your school.

All the best!

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