Music Tuesdays: SHINee’s Odd Eye Live Performances


I still swallow my tounge from excitement when I hear this song. I blame my girl Pink Fashionista for starting me on this debacle. We were having an Aewen Radio meeting right before KCON LA and she started teasing another host, Connie,  over her love for Minho (the greatest rapper of all time, lol). It was so funny and got me in the mood to listen to their Odd Eye album. I’ll be honest. I didn’t get past Odd Eye the first hour. There is something so chill, smooth and a thousand other words I use too much.

Bottom line, the song is freaking amazing and I LOVE SHINee.

I thought I was doing alright with my new obsession until I discovered the live performances.

Holy crap! Key with the eye patch, Minho showing slivers of skin, Taemin being just…Taeman. I couldn’t handle it. Seriously. And then they went and did ANOTHER version of the live performance.

M Countdown Goodbye stage for them… *silently weeps* Key. Take a look at this video first.

Do you see??? DO. YOU. SEE. HIM. WORK. THAT. SHIT? Oh you don’t? No worries, I have the footage of the same performance, but just Key focused.

Yes. He was dong all of the things and I was here for it. The way he barely did the choreography while standing on the chair, but it was still SO PERFECT.

So that’s it for this week’s Music Tuesday. Did you enjoy this performance? What’s your favorite SHINee song/mv?

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