How To Say Goodnight in Korean

Learning Korean


goodnight in Korean

Let’s be honest. This is something we’ve all wanted to say to our oppas/noonas/bias when we see them online late at night. And while I obviously don’t speak Korean fluently (I’m still working on that) I can at least learn a few phrases to say/tweet when and if I’m in a position to say something to them. Hey you never know right? They might tweet back. JYP did that one time. And hey if that simple tweet can open up the lines of communication between the two of you and the next thing you know, you’re flying overseas somewhere to meet them at their concert…. then please remember Ajummah was the one who helped you get started on this journey and ask for an extra ticket for me to come too.

This video has nothing to do with anything but it’s GD & Top. Oh well, they do say Baby Goodnight so that’s sort of relevant.

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