BoA 20th Debut Anniversary

BoA's 20th Debut Anniversary

BoA’s 20th debut anniversary recently passed, and as part of the celebration, SM Entertainment artists released songs that BoA created. Baekhyun started the series with Garden In The Air, a song that BoA released back in 2005. While I enjoyed BoA’s version, Baekhyun’s version has that RnB vibe that I absolutely love. While listening to the song, it made me think back on when I first heard BoA.

Even before I was into k-pop, I knew of BoA. Though granted, I didn’t KNOW her name. I have been into anime for what seems like forever, so when Inuyasha first came to Netflix, I ordered all the DVDs to watch (did you know that Netflix still has DVDs? I digress). BoA sang the fourth ending, Every Heart. It’s like one of the staples in Anime music knowledge. Now that I think about it, it was one of the first anime songs I learned how to sing.

Jump to the early 2000s when I was living in Colorado. A now-defunct network called AZN Network would have a weekly countdown of popular music from different Asian countries. Of all the songs I heard, BoA’s Sara is the one that clings to my mind. I just knew she was singing to me (even though I didn’t understand the language). Now I know she was singing to her cat, but let me dream, okay?

When I finally got into k-pop (2010), BoA was there to welcome me with open arms. She had released her English debut song I’ll Eat You Up, and it instantly went on my playlist. I played it so much and even tried my hand at learning the choreography. Let me tell you; it’s not easy.

BoA music has been there for me this past decade, like my favorite sweater. She has done so much that if I were to write everything down, I’d be here until next Christmas. This isn’t going to be a long article; I just wanted to share my memories of when I was introduced to BoA (the queen). If you aren’t familiar with her work, please take the time to do so now. Congratulations to BoA on her anniversary. I hope she has 20 more years in her so that we can continue to enjoy the greatness that is her music. 

What is your favorite BoA song? Let me know in the comments below. 

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