I’d Like To Thank The Accademy Awards…


Oh my gosh, you guys! You like me, you really like me!!!  I love running my mouth on k-dramas and k-movies but I didn’t really think anyone (outside of my twitter followers) was reading.  So imagine my surprise when I get this lovely tweet:

@Young_Ajummah Hi! I tried commenting on your blog but it didn’t show. I gave you a Liebster award! Please see: http://t.co/uGEATQFsB1
— 크리스티 (@glacierkn) May 31, 2013

 In case you don’t know (like I didn’t) the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn’t that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

So in order for me to accept this award (which I totally do) I need to list 11 facts about myself as well as answer the questions. So here goes!

1. I rarely watch American shows anymore but when I do it usually has zombies or something about the supernatural in it.

2. I was in the military for 6 years & my husband still is.

3. I have two children.

4. After watching a few kdramas, I decided to get my passport (and I did).

5. I have been overseas but not to Korea.

6. My favorite thing is to marathon a drama I really like and not move until the show is over.

7. I am a k-pop lover as well as k-hip hop and k-indie.

8. I’ve been trying to teach myself Korean for the past 2 years.

9. My children also know some Korean phrases, thanks to listening to some cds in the car ^_^

10. I looooove chocolate. Seriously its a dangerous addiction.

11. I’m a Scorpio.

Alright, now here are the questions from glacierkn:
1.  How did you get into dramas (typical question but I’m always curious)? I got into dramas after a late night cram session when I was in college. I needed something to watch on Hulu. It suggested Boys over Flowers. After giggling over the name, I decided to give it 15 minutes.  By the end of episode 1 I was hooked. Finished the series in 2 days and haven’t looked back.
2.  Which Korean actor and actress would you like to meet in person? Kim Sun Ah, hands down! She’s funny, talented, and reminds me of myself. I think we would have a great time laughing and talking together.
3.  What’s your opinion of Kpop?  Any favorites? I love k-pop. I may not know all the members names or be obsessed with every single song that ever came out but it doesn’t make me any less of a fan. Some favorites are Big Bang, K.Will, Verbal Jint and Zion T.
4.  Can you recommend to me a healthy dish/meal that you like (preferably non-Korean since I eat it often ;)? A healthy dish??? Okay don’t laugh but I usually eat Gorton’s Simply Bake Salmon with Garlic Sauce and Bird’s Eye Steam Fresh Green Beans & Red Potato mix. It’s filling & under 400 calories.
5.  What’s one talent or skill you wish you had? I wish I could play the piano or another type of instrument. Both of my parents are musicians and I’m kinda bummed that the musical gene skipped me.
Now to pick a few bloggers that I choose for the award:
I’m lazy as you all know, so I only have a few questions:
1. Which Korean actor/actress would you like to meet and why?
2. What is your favorite k-drama OST?
3. If you ever get to go to Korea, what would you do?
Thank you again to Glacierkn for nominating me for this award!
정말 감사합니다!!!

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Reply glacierkn June 6, 2013 at 01:46

Hey! So glad you accepted the award! Oh and hey fellow kpop fan (like I couldn&#39;t tell from your blog:) I&#39;m actually not that familiar with Verbal Jint or Zion, but I would like to listen to more RnB music. <br />Take care and happy blogging! ^^

    Reply couturekitty June 6, 2013 at 02:25

    Oh then definitely listen to Verbal Jint and Zion. They have the RnB/Hip Hop vibe going. ^^ And thanks again for the award!

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