Interview with Korean Hip-hop/Jazz Producer Shirosky


Hello, Aewen Listeners! This month’s Aewen’s Corner is with the jazz hip-hop producer Shirosky. Shirosky, whose name is Yoon Ha Yan, is no lightweight when it comes to producing music. Her last album, La Lecture, was met with many praises. The busy producer sat down with me to answer a few questions about how she navigates producing music in a genre that is dominated by males.

DJ Ssam: I am very familiar with your work, but I want the listeners and new fans to know who you are in your own words.

Shirosky: Hello! I’m Shirosky, a jazz hip hop producer and DJ.

DJ Ssam: How did you get started in this industry?

Shirosky: Since my dad was a former actor, I had many chances to come across the pop culture. Also, growing up watching artists such as Hyun Jin Young, Deux, Solid, etc at the age of 4~5, I fell in love with black music and started dreaming of becoming a musician. Following on, my interest in the beat-making area sparked, and I self-taught myself hip-hop music production through a demo production program during my second year of junior high school.

Read the rest of my interview with Shirosky on Aewen Radio!

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