Korean Drama Special: Live Shock

K-Drama Specials

Holy shiz balls! I have found what I’ve been looking for! Zombies +K-drama+English Subtitles = AMAZE BALLS! I have to thank my unnie for letting me know this thing existed (KBS you need to do a better job at  promoting such dramas).


As always, mind the spoilers that are coming ahead. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum but, you know what happens when I get excited.

The story starts off with a sinister looking man getting ready to enter a production room with a large knife in hand. Then we jump back and see what led up to him getting ready to commit mass murder. Turns out this guy is the carrier for the zombie virus and he wants the world to know what the medical corporation is putting its test subjects through.

During a scuffle the intruder bites or scratches someone and BOOM! Zombie time! There is lots of chaos and what not but there is one little girl who kept her cool. She hid from the zombies multiple times and was able to survive until her brother was able to get to her.

live shock 1

photo credit: HanCinema

You see, brother dear was in the middle of a debate on television when everything went down (the one underneath the red pin). He was looking desperately for his sister and has to battle quite a few zombies to get to her. Along the way he hooks up with a reporter who is trying to get her first big break. She has been putting together an expose on the medical coorporation that has been turning people into zombies but her bosses shut her down calling her article “unbelievable”. Whatever. I bet they were regretting their decisions after this went down.

This drama reminded me of the American movie Quarantine where the majority of the drama takes place in a building and how the people have turned into zombies/berserkers.  I won’t spoil everything for you, so I won’t say who lives or dies and who gets turned. But if you want to know, I suggest you watch it.

If you are interested in seeing the drama (it’s only an hour, so why not) check it out below and let me know what you think!

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